Friday, February 5, 2010

legion attack!

it's been a little while since the last collection of 3a awesomenicity. and it's friday. so this is what you get... more awesomenicity.
see, i used it twice.
iconic. from g0rd
mount rushmore + death.

incredible photoshop action from zzzzz's archive
it was a dark night. the thin metallic tang of blood was in the air...
and their taco bell was getting cold back at base.
it would be a short fight.

snowball fight from dangercorpse
you cut through my lawn one more time
and i'll wrap those handlebars around your neck.

a minty fresh one from zzzzz
they fled to the sewers for protection.
and to look up a few skirts.

nael. rocks.
intestines are the bestest
ooh! i think that was a peanut.

part of an awesome series from nael called a day with bertie
come on dad! build me a jump for my bike!
why don't you go ride on the train tracks for a bit...

i can't believe you forgot the milk.
here. eat your damn bacon.

and nael again. seriously, he's good.
nobody said jesus wouldn't come back as a robot...
we all knew he'd have guns though.

world collider from smokebelch
i've got a couple of restraining bolts right here, you fuzzy little shit.

great shot from ronlu.
crap, she's coming. you can do this.
pretend you're cleaning your gun and then just ask her out.
ahhhhh.... fuck it. i'm gonna go play modern warfare.

tag team. photo by smokebelch. photoshop by zzzzz
you ride bitch this time luke...

incredible custom de plume by lord korvo

god i love trampolines.

as always. go to flickr for more bot action.
or come hang out with us on the boards.

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