there's no better way to show the love and devotion for ashley wood and 3A, then by showcasing the work of the legion itself.
[ do not scroll further if you have an addictive personality ]
from lord korvo

...who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
from lord korvo

his left hand is bitch-slapping wall-e.
from lord korvo

the government is now in good hands.
from lord korvo

he's not fuckin kidding.
from lord korvo

say your prayers.
from dangercorpse

!may cause snow-blindness!
or just regular blindness.
from lord korvo

putain de merde!
from lord korvo

i thought i said say your prayers?
from smoke belch

bat caves are for pussies.
from smoke belch

hunting elk with a gatling gun.
from lord korvo

damn. this is the wrong white castle.
from lord korvo

death from above.
congratulations, you are now addicted.
i'm not kidding.
then join the legion.
thanks to lord korvo, smoke belch and dangercorpse for the kickass pics
these pictures are great! i ordered some squares, probably the start of a bigger problem!