i can't and don't and won't blog every one of ashley wood's new releases. despite the fact that every single one is worth my time and effort. i would have to give up all other coverage to really take you into his world. and you'll get sucked in all on your own, you don't need my help for that. in less than a year and a half threeA has released: 4 berties, les mort, 5 de plumes, 4 brambles, 10 tomorrow kings, 6 large martins, 10 wwrp brambles, 4 bambabosses, 13 squares, 3 armstrongs and 3 zombies. with more releases scheduled every month. insanity. they are just completely dominating. the latest death dealer to drop was desert large martin. in my opinion the best lm yet... a giant hardcore skull tattooed to his chest and a bitchin sandy paint job make him straight lethal.

if he smiles, you're dead.

and if you regain consciousness and this is the first thing you see? your muffled screams will shortly be silenced. there's nothing large likes more than popping skulls like grapes.
heavy tk
droppin in next week.

thook. thook. the twins are here.
don't bother running. they don't need the practice.
hk venture is going to rule.
5 men and their creations on display for a week in hong kong.

what i wouldn't give to see some of ash and jeremy's work up close.

and exclusive toys? from that list can only mean good things.
i'm crossing my fingers for a peek at the cosmonaut who will be mine.
sea monkey x snow pea, the ash and kenny wong combo is also a possibility. or the mechs from united planet.
if you don't know kenny wong. he makes sweet things like this.

copperhead-18. no stranger to the deep.
and a little taste of the cosmonaut. which i covered.

keep it glued here for updates on all the amazing shit threeA is doing.
copperhead-18 pic from icecoolbeer
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