after making their millions with the pogo-ball and skip-it, blamo has moved on to bigger and better things. the three-headed monster of spencer, komang and mikie are anxiously awaiting the launch of their new website/line/wood and leather empire. they've got quite a bit already flowing for such a new group. two woods, two leathers and a resin will headline their october 1st coming out party. everything is handmade which is a good place to start.

billy with a ghost of his former self

hank williams never could stay away from the bunnies.

the groupie guitar smasher.

adopting the casual stance of a creepy uncle.
harold and ted

like an old married couple... that's conjoined.
older blamos. three-headed creatures.

a little bit biker bar, a little bit ziggy stardust.
bowie would be proud either way.
let's wish them all luck shall we?
go have a drink in blamoville. it's a friendly lot.
oh, and check out the cat vomit tee in the store. it's fantastic.
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