the man behind the curtain could not have chosen a more fitting name. just fill with fuel [coffee, redbull... insert drug of choice here] and stand back. motorbot has been pumping out top quality customs for some time now. his seemingly tireless work ethic is only trumped by his wide range of abilities. there may not be a more versatile customizer on the planet.
deep in the heart of texas, the motor is always running strong.
bone, metal, wood, muscle.
he's the captain planet of elemental techniques.
the godfather would have been so much better
if the horse's head had a skinned gnome strapped to its base.

real men wear armored skirts with their ferragamos

metal horse head from hell?
looks like the little man is auditioning for gwar.
what's with the sour face?

nothing better than a midget skull that can chase you.
if the neth entered the matrix

retro krang still loves turtle soup
my childhood collides into my adulthood and a companion is born.

destro's going on the barry gibb talk show
to pimp his crazy cool medallion.
this bulldog of a maw ate a mutt

a rhinos butthole is terrifying
even when it doesn't have 30 rows of teeth.
the stitch disney hides in the basement to "handle" lost children

who doesn't love a cuddly woodchipper?
the paw with brass knuckles

when easter met bike week.
crappy cat goes to prep school

...and bangs every cheerleader they have

he eats the force for breakfast.
i might be possessed with star wars

if looks could kill... vader'd be two uzis
mummy only needs his cleopatra

you know the egyptians invented atari right?
the yoka king of testicles with teeth

he laughs at his own lack of a throat
the armored sug arrives home. after months of training and rehabilitation, the raw mutant is strong enough to walk outside. he is fantastic in person. a roughed up titanium shell with freshly skinned appendages, he's not to be fucked with.
surveying his scorched kingdom
he's not so good at winking
walking on raw muscle's gotta hurt, maybe i'll get him a flip flop
awkward as two middle schoolers at their first dance
thanks to the motor for a fantastic piece in my collection. he will watch intensely over his haz-mat suited brethren. i have dubbed him "iron fist." his cauldron of a potbelly will be a centerpiece for years to come.
this is just barely scratching the surface of what the motor has burned out. you have to check his flickr to really see the depth of what he's accomplished. don't lean over too far though, it's a deep chasm. the man has mentioned slowing down his custom projects to focus on some more of his own originals. so if you want in the club, you better do it soon.
for the latest on all his fury, follow him on twitter. seriously. you get sneak peeks at stuff like a custom muscamoot...
all pics are from the man himself. except for the armored sug, those are mine.
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