general zoo has crossed to the dark side. well, darker than a body ripped in half dripping blood from its exposed skeleton... actually that isn't really any darker, it's kinda the same. except now he's got kind of an s&m leather thing going on... he'd make a very sexy samurai sith lord.
regardless of the depth of his propensity for evil, general zoo strikes quite a wicked silhouette. accented even more strongly by this new newspaper color combo. soon to be released by artoyz, there will be only 54. feel free to make up your own epic story about the 54 generals who bravely defended their fortress from the hordes of attacking barbarians.

chapstick will not relieve semi-severed lips. need carmex for that.

fat vader here really needs to watch where he's drippin...
he's covering up all my old blood stains.

mr. barkley goes to war.