here's something for ya. grab a duffle bag, fill it with tanktops and head to chicago to meet hello, brute in two weeks. jon has got a solo show starting up at rotofugi on the 9th of april. it's called teen dream, and you should be there because it will be awesome. he's promised paintings and drawings in addition to his wicked resin residents.

bonus points for anyone that draws an anchor on their chest with sharpie.
and because you can't have a proper solo show without some crazy new shit... jon is collaborating with felt mistress on some killer new plush of his characters. i must say, these look pretty incredible. they're like hip muppets... ummm, hippets?

just hanging out behind the 7-11, shooting up yarn.

aaaannd apparently yarn possession carries a 5 year sentence.
the latest released toy: pepper. he's 9"
and maybe it's just a weird shadow...
but pepper looks like he's packing some heat in those day glos

he's gonna need a meat cleaver to shave hairs that thick.
another 9 incher in the works...

prep-school love has some huge potential.
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