let a labbit into your dreams and this is what you get... peter pan hanging out with hitchcock, zombies and the swamp thing on a bar crawl, and gepetto transforming into dr. frankenstein. classy enough for your wheat side,and fantastical enough for your frosted side.
children's stories are supposed to be twisted.
the other eight amanda visell custom labbits...

yar, my toes be wet.

anybody lose a skull? anyone?

their lumberjackpiratetreehouse was definitely no girls allowed.

nothing like the smell of moldy green labbit in the morning.

cadbury labbit has a creamy center.

a sweet moonlit forest of cuddly creatures... and one hungry hunter.

just enough blackbirds. not enough pie.

free at last and already taking revenge whacks.
once again i'm blown away by the production level quality and the variety of concepts. it's a lot of labbit to love. there are 10 lucky homes that are now significantly cooler because of amanda.
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