he fell through the crust, coring his way deeper and deeper through layer after layer of rock and clay. then the caverns: momentary reprieves from the assault his damnation was delivering. over and over he was ripped apart and smashed back together until he breached the hollow core. he was almost relieved to be reaching the orange flames of hell. his fall continued through blue flames. then green. red followed yellow as he meteored into the sticky floor. wave after wave of flaming color consumed his body with pain of every kind. the pantone prison swirled around him, and in between blinding flashes of white,
he realized how beautiful it all was.
brent nolasco has created an absolutely breathtaking 20" dunny. incredible colors and just enough clay to demonize that face.
the stumpy tusks soften him nicely. i could stare at this all day.
images courtesy of just another art blog

he might also be hatching eggs out of his cheeks.

the king of carrot flowers is a mean bitch.

...which is a perfect time to bring up brent's first original figure, gordo. halloween released by myplasticheart in new york. don't get too excited though. he's already sold out. this blueberry gremlin is a trash digger. this is gordo's official story.
"Just off of Main Street, in every town, lives a foraging monster, named Gordo. You can find him standing over a box of leftovers, fishing out that last crumb, and licking the containers dry. His will to eat overcomes his need to stop, always chasing the next tasty snack. Backyards and garbage cans are his buffet. After a long day of gorging, he falls into a food coma, only to awake hungry and repeat the cycle. His stomach is a bottomless pit. Who knows what he will eat next."
made of resin and hand painted with dragon's tears.
gordo is an incredible little fucker.
great proportions and as always, a killer color combo.
all gordo shots from vinylpulse

monster law requires 2 years of military service for all forager class beasts.

gordo's mother and father.
mother of course, ate father.

a purple metal mullet?
rock. on.
i am a sucker for the blank army shot.

like terra cotta warriors from your toilet.

this makes my hand cramp just looking at it.
yes, that is brent himself.
brent is turning up the heat. i already loved his work, but this is getting ridiculous. hopefully the quick sell-out means the next little demon will be quickly nipping at gordo's heels.
as always, brent lives here.
pretty pictures here.
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