a green h60 sug and ulligus were my first big purchase, and now i have seven more. derek and jason got it right, as he is still one of my favorites. there have been 14 production sugs so far. [counting the diy] all of which you can see above.

A53: primer ed. 250?
B54: gunmetal ed. 250?
C55: camo ed. 250?
D56: red ed. 300
E57: black ed. 300
F58: search & rescue [orange] ed. 250
G59: urban recovery [yellow] ed. 40
defcon: 1 [green] ed. 50?
defcon: 2 [brown] ed. 250
defcon: 3 [purple] ed. 250
h60: green ed. 350
h60: blue ed. 150
dc x unkl [white:gid] ed. 450
diy [blank] ed. 20?
if any of these numbers is incorrect, please let me know.
there is very little compiled info about all the releases.
it's hard not to fall in love with one. which is why quite a few custom sugs have been released into the wild. i own one myself. these are a few lonely souls from around the world.
the dear earthling sugonaut

the first icelandic person in space. besides bjork.

booty booty booty booty rockin everywhere.
chromed [for real]
owned by jeromeoutland

the flight of the navigator still lives!

why do you wear that stupid bic man suit?

finally, a transformer i can get excited about.
lucky for you, sugs are still available. blue h60 plus ulligus. green h60 plus ulligus. defcon brown. defcon purple. it's your chance to own one of the legends. or create your own.
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