deep breath... angry woebots [aaron martin] is set to release his first original resin figure. and it looks kill-er. i seem to have a thing for bears, and his just have an incredible amount of fury and emotion. standing a healthy 8" or so and about the same forearm to forearm, he's one mean dude. brought to life by silent stage, his name is panda king. and i'm excited. there will only be about 60 pieces, hand-painted by the man himself, in their own wooden box with matching print.

a regal glare on the popeye workout program.

polar underneath, but panda through and through.
the next image you are about to see did not come from aaron.
i created it in photoshop to get an idea of how his style might translate to the new shape. it may look completely different from this in final form, but i'm impatient. that being said...

how fucking cool is this?
you can't tease a new woebots piece without really showing the insanity of his previous work. a style that's instantly recognizable with an entire civilization of pandas from every corner of the emotional spectrum. he's got an amazing talent, and therefore, a rabid following.
two psychos that know how to throw their weight around.
plus brass knuckles? winner.

we're gonna need two dysons to clean up all the flying fur.

larry. moe. and crazy.
ripped from the hands of wtfunks?

just your standard angry woebots mind-bogglingly awesome piece.

katana. a squad of snarling killers. AND dripping blood.
you starting to understand the pure distilled awesomeness?
the collection of sleepboy

possessed by the devil panda.
one of my favorite combos ever.

bask in the glow of the golden god.
collected by contra808

you wouldn't like him when he's angry.
for you lucky few at designercon on saturday, you should at least be able to peek the sculpt. for all you other jealous bastards: do some pushups, communicate with your spirit animal [especially if it's a bear], fashion ninja weapons out of scrap metal... anything to keep your mind off of the fury you will feel if you miss this guy.
eyes. peeled.
follow angry woebots on flickr.
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