you know what rocks and shouldn't work but totally does? a bramble with a tie pilot helmet. created by kirkland jue of toybot studios by fusing a diy wwrp bramble and a medicom vcd tie fighter pilot. properly weathered and armed, this little badass is currently at the it came from skullbrain ii show at super7.

see kids. this is why you freeze your head.
walt disney and ted williams are gonna come back as robots.

that's at least an AT-STs worth of weapons.

what separates the droids from the bots?
i say the ability to kill.

skinny legs are great and all,
but those mickey gloves and boots are borderline.
killer work kirkland. i would've never guessed those two could fuse so seamlessly. kinda makes me want to pick up some vcds to dissect and frankenstein.
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