i always find it impressive when an artist can re-imagine their own work, especially when that work is so great in the first place.
chris m. ryniak [the 'm' stands for 'the master'] seems to explode and regrow muscamoots daily. the latest is a gift for his mother, who lives by big muscamoot bay. such a place really exists? who knew? anyways, on to the bait.

inmate #872347
muskies love posing for mugshots.

you can rub my tummy for luck... or chlamydia.

sexy like a booger with horns.
i love this guy. the tiger striped arms. the drool/mucus stains. the petrified glare. the soft fish belly. the old chewing gum lips... what more could you want? he's incredible. and mrs. ryniak - if you ever get tired of this guy drinking all your spoiled milk.... you know where to send him.
chris has been busy since i last posted his stuff. a solo show at copro nason is coming up on february 13th. simultaneously they'll be hosting work from martin wittfooth, who i introduced to you a few days ago.
a sneak peak of two fuzzy little bastards for the burgeoning show

millions of tiny teeth in an even tinier mouth.
he's like a wooly pencil sharpener.

broccoli cat wants to taste your fear.
hold still please.
the rest of this mind-bending work is just stolen from chris' site.
but it's all newish.

this is why you don't sneeze with your eyes open.

the smurfs totally should've had gills and fish eyes.

so metal it hurts.

even gaia has bad hair days.
did you know you can speak with chris? i mean actually engage him in conversation about his work? it's true. he's got his own forum on the circus posterus boards. go bug him, or at least get the latest.
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