the false friends are here to terrorize your neighborhood. coarsetoys will release them on december 10th for 24 hours and then officially in january. it's noop and paw totally krossed out. only 200 of the tag team will live in milky bliss.

once again, with some of the greatest packaging for anything. period.

really digging the bunny suit.
paw's t-bone body? not so much.
where'd the superhero physique go?

they do have pretty killer glares though.

not sold separately. to my dismay.

13" tall and only $4,400 hong kong dollars.
don't convert that. it'll make you sad.
i want this variant/custom. it just makes too much sense.

grey up that bunny suit, give him an attachable mask.
and turn paw into a demon. sold.
the new noop head rocks. as does the paw head. and if you could swap them back and forth i would be all over it. but as it stands, incredible packaging and one of two figures floating my boat isn't enough for me. this time.
there will undoubtedly be other colors. possibly even the ashley wood 3A / coarsetoys collaboration built on this platform. so stay tuned.
frank the bunny pic by dearsomeone
i really like the bunny suit.