file this under: things i wish were mine

that's a ribcage that could absorb a mortar shell.

in full 6' glory.

at night he comes to life and bleeds on your floor.

and we continue the tour past my hairdo from 7th grade...

get trucked.

giant g.i. joe stand.
that is a 1:1 giant of a pain, done of course by coarsetoys. so rare they're almost an urban myth. with only 20-25 of these large extremists in the world, i thought they'd all disappear into the homes of indonesian land barons. but one showed up on crazytoyzlife.
as you can see, it's in his actual home not some magical german beach. it comes with 3 heads and the subsequent 2 extra busts to display those heads. plus, those blood spots aren't a joke.
i've no idea what one might pay for one of these guys, as they were available directly from coarse "on special request." i believe that request might have involved some sort of human sacrifice. or at the very least, some black market organ dealings. either way, i'm down.
swimming buddies picture taken by mark landwehr at timmendorfer beach
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